
Showing posts from September, 2021

Minutes - Business Meeting 08-08-2021

 1. Reading of minutes.  2.Quaterly Financial Report by Jen Gonzaga April - June 2021 Income $16,088.55 Expenses $14,536.08 Assets $116,516.92 3. Sound system and other equipment from upstairs need storage. 4. Visitor's card to be turned in to the ushers after the announcement in front. 5. OBI is for training leaders. Pastor Bong made a motion that students be reimbursed at least 75% of their tuition. Approved.  6. Covid protocol needs to be observed i.e. temp check, mask 7. Sunday school teachers  Donna, Gina, and Jean are ready.  College students can be trained to help the children in church.  Julie Carlin stepped down. 8. Church anniversary  Sept 26. 9. VBS success 116 registered,  41 accepted Christ. 10. Acceptance of New Members  Donna Roldan,  Lourdes B,  Carnation Inong and  Gina Maban.