Minutes Business Meeting 12-12-2021
Agenda Booklet for Business Meeting December 12, 2021 Quorum: 26 Attended 1. Call to order: Marlon Gante, Moderator 2. Devotional: Stepping Into a Need, Pastor Bong Abagon. 3. Established quorum; 26 eligible members attended 4. Reading of Minutes (August Business Meeting); Jo Beltran Church Clerk 5. The body reviewed and approved the minutes 6. Treasurer's Report by Jenn Gonzaga: A. Income: $50, 615.15 Expenses: $44,475.55 The body approved the financial statement. B. The body approved that the 2022 Budget be the same as the 2021 Budget at $57,090.00. Most of the ministries have the same budget except the Nursery/Grade School ministry which was increased to $1,600.00 C. Pastor's Housing Allowance (see agenda link above) The body approved that the Pastor's compensation is designated as a housing allowance of up to $41, 497.81 for federal taxes exemption for 2022. 7. New Business A. The following were nominated and approved by t...