Business Meeting January 12,2025

 Attended: Bong/ Tina Abagon, Sally Flores, Jo/ Randy Beltran, Elda Duro, Jamby/Page Ayalde, Charles/Rica Kim, Kat/Louie Dela Cruz, Tess Gante, Jennifer Gonzaga, Joanne/Jay Nocasa. Rossana Mindo, Luisa/Amadeo Gante, Gina Maban, Lourdes Barraca, Donna Roldan, Carnation Inong, Eva Murallos, Eleanor Callilao, Lita Carino. Dana Zamudio.

1. Prayer- Jr Gante

2.  Minutes read by Jo Beltran. The church approved the minutes.

3. Stewardship Team ( Elda Duro and Jamby Ayalde)

Total income from January to December 2024: 87,607.55

                                                         Expenses: $70,495.36

                                                    Net income: $ 17, 112.55

a. $1,405  that was missing and not deposited will be considered a write off. Pastor Bong recommended that the team need to provide a letter of apology to donors. The body approved the motion  that the Stewardship team will take proper action involving donors and report the findings to the church and after such Stewardship will be tasked to provide the donors with a letter of apology.

b.Grace Hunt recommended that there will be 2 depositors and quarterly rotation of counters as well as automate giving.

c. Carnation Inong will meet with Stewardship to discuss the action towards the unpaid souvenir mugs due her.

d. Stewardship to look into investing some portion of the  church fund. 

4. VBS-  May after school is over. June mission to be moved toward 2nd week

Youth project to be for Spring break.

Muddy dash participants will get reimbursed $5 for insurance.

5. Ministry reports:

Auntie Perla would like to invite ukulele and hula group to perform for her retirement party.

Men- Charles will be a part of worship team. Coffee hour is open for wives to have their own devotion too.

Women- will practice ukulele for Valentines party. We will start collecting in February for boxes to sent to the Philippines.

Youth- to plan for Youth project, mission trip and youth nights.

Jennifer Gonzaga-  is requesting Stewardship to update papers for the state, payroll (Proservice) 

Personnel- Randy to check in with the rest of the HR to look into Pastor Page being added in the payroll.

Sunday school- encourage children to attend Sunday school. Please come on time.

Small group- to undergo in person training for small group leaders. Dr. Woods curriculum will be provided. 

Need training for other men( Simon, Charles)  as ushers.

6. Pastor Page prayer.


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