Business Meeting December

Business Meeting, 
January 29, 2023
Reports and Approval

Clerk:  Jo Beltran
Moderator:  Marlon Gante

  1. WMU (Rossana) Christmas fellowship at Luisa Gante residence. Will help 2 churches and 1 seminary school. Will budget $1500. Prayer after service once a month. WMU fellowship will happen every other month with small group leaders in charge. Everyone will be in charge in December. Joanne Nocasa will coordinate. 

2. Pastor Bong challenged all ministry leaders to take charge of their ministry and take ownership. 

3. Sunday School ( Sally) Great attendance in women's Bible studies. Gina has 4 students, Jean has 2 students. 

4. Men's ministry ( Jun) Men need help in opening and closing the church building. 

5. Youth Sunday school- Robbie asked the youth to be prepared by reading and bringing their manual and be focused during instruction time.

7. Worship- Micah is planning to train the youth to lead in worship especially the last Sunday of the month.

8. Hospitality- (Luisa) Rotation of servers every month. Utensils will be taken home to be washed and given back. 

9.Mission (Tess Gante) Front sign for the Sta. Barbara was completed and installed. 

10. Children's ministry ( Tina) 36 people who joined the Bubble run will be reimbursed with $5. Incentives will be given to those who memorized Books of the Bible.

11. Youth Night every Friday. Had inter-church youth night at University Baptist church. 

12. December 16-17th Potluck for concert at MBC.

13. Stewardship- Financial Statement available on website. 

Approved:  Housing Allowance for Pastor Bong for IRS purposes (See attachment)

Total receipts $ 64,243.30

Total disbursement $38,667.25

14. Election of Officers in January and passing of the budget.

    Moderator:  Marlon Gante
    Asst. Moderator:  JR Gante
   Clerk:  Jo Beltran
   Treasurer: Jennifer Gonzaga



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